Gruber's dream iPad Pro vs. the real iPad Pro When the iPad launched more than 10 years ago, John Gruber wrote a lengthy piece on Daring Fireball. In his opionon, the 256 MB of RAM were the biggest hardware weakness of the device. imagine what Apple could put in an iPad that cost as much as a MacBook Pro.
Tips by Sundell Although I treated myself with an AppCode-license the other day, I'm still a daily user of Xcode. And I'm also a subscriber of John Sundell's Swift by Sundell's RSS-feed. A few days ago I noticed that he moved the little tips from
swift Running Tests in pre-commit hooks and alternatives A few months ago, I bought myself a fancy MacBook Pro. You know, one of those fancy devices with the fancy TouchBar, a nice Retina screen and a broken-by-default keyboard. And to make myself feel better, 'cause you never know what might happen in the next couple of years,
objectivec Customizing UISlider — Either color or image We're working on a pretty useful — at least we hope so — feature right now. Part of this feature is a slightly customized UISlider. In the end, it should look pretty similar to the narrow Scollbar you know from UIScrollView: As this component has existed in the app before,
general stuff Some Thoughts on Code Review A few days ago, Max and me recorded a new episode of the German Codestammtisch-podcast. We talked about code review and pull requests. In the last couple of days I witnessed again, how useful these two can be. The full episode will air on March 22nd — I still have to
objectivec (!QuickFix) != (QuickFix != nil) A colleague of mine works on a pretty important feature. He uses a seperate git-branch for this, so that his changes can be reviewed and thoroughly tested before being merged into the app. While working on that feature, he fixed some easy-to-fix, but important bugs on this exact branch. In
Preview CSS for redmine-Textile in BBEdit A few years ago, I bought a license for BBEdit, a commercial text editor for macOS, that doesn't suck. But: I never read the manual and so I used it not very often. Until recently. Because recently, I discovered, that BBEdit has a Preview Mode for several Markup
objectivec Save NSSecureCoding-decoding for Dummies After my last wrong assumption, that I don't need to look up easy things, I stumbled upon this assumption again. This week, I failed to implement NSSecureCoding the right way. In the end, I learned some things. I wanted to persist some data using NSSecureCoding, NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver.
objectivec Variable declaration in switch-case Welcome back to Objective C-land! Last week, I doubted my own sanity more than once. One day, for example, I refactored some code to use an enum and I nearly dispaired on a simple switch-case, until I reminded myself that I've stumbled over this issue quite a while
general stuff All Things Version Controlled These are some things, articles and thoughts about version control. You are already using it, of course you are, aren't you? Recently, we recorded an episode for our German podcast. For nearly 50 minutes we talked about version control: We discussed the basic principles, git, Subversion and fossil.
Buildings from the 19th Century In my new job I'm dealing with a lot of legacy code and from time to time, I want to set it all on fire and burn it to the ground and nuke it and burn it again, just to completely rewite everything. And although I know, that
objectivec Bordered Slicing in Xcode This is another small blogpost about how I solved a little issue. This time it's about borded buttons, rounded corners and slicing. First things first: I got a new job as — surprise 🎉 — iOS developer and it's much, much better than the previous one. Let's
objectivec SecItemDelete without limits Together with a friend I'm working on a small app for iOS written in good ol' Objective-C. It's a (another) small timetracking application with an optional backend. The credentials for the backend are to be stored in the Keychain. Users should also be able to
No SwiftConf this year More than one month ago — one day after I published the last story — I got fired. That's one reason why I haven't written any blogposts since then. I'm still getting paid until the end of August, but then that's it. On the
swift isActive = true vs. NSLayoutConstraint.activate The whole UI of the app, I helped to develop, is written in code. No Storyboards, no XIBs, just Swift. Someone made this decision looooong ago. Nevertheless, we're using AutoLayout, just like every cool kid should do these days. Typically, our code looks like this: self.titleLabel.topAnchor.
Dear recruiter In April 2018, I wrote an article and published it on my personal blog. This is an updated version of the original post. A few weeks ago I wrote a thread on twitter. I wanted this thread to be on my blog in an extended version. So here we go:
swift Me, my future self and self A colleague of mine complained, that I use self too much. In Objective-C, it was everywhere, but he sent me this blogpost and recommended me to use self in Swift sparingly and only when necessary for the compiler. But back in 2012 I started to learn Objective-C. Until 2015 it
swift preconditionFailure One of my goals for May 2018 was to finally read The Pragmatic Programmer. I haven't succeeded yet, that's why this year, June was May, Extended Edition and July is June, Extended Edition. A few years ago, a dear friend of mine recommended reading this book