Fossil Re-discovering Fossil There are other SCMs than git. Rediscovering Fossil has made me think about how I use git.
software development I'm used to IDEs I'm thinking about tools. Again. After writing iOS-apps for roughly a decade and using Apple's Xcode to do so, I'm used to IDEs. Sure, I use real text editors like Textmate or BBedit or even vim for taking notes or writing blog posts, but
xcode Skimm through Crash Reports The other day someone filed a crash report for Mastodon for iOS on Github — thanks a bunch! Although I haven't fixed that yet, I learned that you can skimm through different stack traces for one crash using the Xcode Organizer.
swift Reorder some rows but not all I'm still writing iOS-apps using Swift and UIKit instead of SwiftUI — I've never been one of those cool kids using the latest tech, and my 100 days of SwiftUI lasted for 33 days or so. Maybe I should give it another chance. But today I found
swift It's self again Nearly two years ago, I wrote a short piece about self. Since then, a lot has changed: I got fired, found a new job, quit, and found another new job. I'm working from home now as employee of a fully distributed company. To reflect on that, I'
objectivec Customizing UISlider — Either color or image We're working on a pretty useful — at least we hope so — feature right now. Part of this feature is a slightly customized UISlider. In the end, it should look pretty similar to the narrow Scollbar you know from UIScrollView: As this component has existed in the app before,
objectivec Variable declaration in switch-case Welcome back to Objective C-land! Last week, I doubted my own sanity more than once. One day, for example, I refactored some code to use an enum and I nearly dispaired on a simple switch-case, until I reminded myself that I've stumbled over this issue quite a while