Popover on iPad with a custom content size

On an iPad-app I had to set a custom content size of a modal sheet and took the wrong of two options. I had to learn again, that reading the documentation can save me some time.


.pageSheet ignores your .preferredContentSize. Use .formSheet for modalPresentationStyle instead to set a custom content size on a modal sheet.

The other day I was working on a project for a client. It is a reader-app that needs to link to their website for account-management. For Apple to allow you this and not pay them their 30% cut, you have to jump through some hoops and follow certain both legal and technical requirements and specifications. On iOS 16+ you can use the ExternalLinkAccount-API, for earlier iOS versions you have to implement it yourself.

On iPad, for example, you have to show a modal sheet with a certain size. The size is set using preferredContentSize and to show the sheet on iPad, I used a modalPresentationStyle and opted for the first sheet-option that Xcode's autocompletion brought up, it was pageSheet:

A presentation style that partially covers the underlying content

It sounded just about right. The other option is formSheet:

A presentation style that displays the content centered in the screen.

Also not entirely wrong. I didn't read further into the documentation at this point although I should have as there is a subtle difference between those two. The detailed documentation for pageSheet says:

To provide a custom content size, use the UIModalPresentationStyle.formSheet style instead, and set the modal view controller’s preferredContentSize property.

In other words: .pageSheet ignores your preferredContentSize. Instead of reading the f-ing manual, I wondered why the size of the sheet wasn't correct. After changing the modalPresentationStyle to .formSheet, everything looked good:

A screenshot of the German app in Landscape showing the correctly sized popover.

Read more documentation, future-me! It's totally worth it and could save you some time.