I'm used to IDEs

I'm thinking about tools. Again.

After writing iOS-apps for roughly a decade and using Apple's Xcode to do so, I'm used to IDEs. Sure, I use real text editors like Textmate or BBedit or even vim for taking notes or writing blog posts, but usually not for programming. Even for my little trips into the Python-world, I used and paid for Jetbrain's PyCharm. Having a debugger and the compiler and a console and a file-explorer and multiple editor panes and all those other nice things in one place is just convenient[1].

I have learned using those tools combined in that one place and have gotten used to that. Using different tools, like an editor for writing Elixir-code and a Terminal for running it, still feels weird, like going backwards? Honestly, I not only struggle with the programming language, the paradigms of functional programming, the frameworks and libraries, but also with the basic tools. They feel like tools for professionals, for real programmers, and as I struggle with them, I ask myself: Am I even a real programmer, a professional?

On the other hand I admire people, like my dear friend Florian, who write code using their editors, by it a fancy emacs or a customized vim, and run it in a Terminal and use debuggers there. It feels like wizardy to me, when they run their fingers over the keyboard and make things happen. Compared to them, I feel like a fraud, who needs a GUI and an IDE for proramming.

There's still plenty to learn, I guess, be it tools, frameworks or programming languages.

  1. There are two exceptions to that: I don't use the built-in version control, but prefer the excellent Fork (it's way more convenient to stage lines there instead of using git add -p and for reading documentation, I use the equally excellent Dash. ↩︎