Hi, my name is Nathan and by day, I'm an iOS developer. By night, my name's still Nathan, but I do different things. Some of them are:
- I develop apps, that mostly don't pay any bills. But you can hire me as a freelance iOS developer (German CV).
- Together with a very good friend of mine, I hosted a German podcast called “Codestammtisch”. (German for “Code crackerbarrel”). Oh, and I developed an app to track downloads.
- I have a personal German blog called “bullenscheisse” (German for bullshit)
I've started this blog mainly out of two reasons:
- I want to write more articles in English.
- I want to write more about programming, code, etc.
In my opinion, these articles don't fit into my personal blog. So, yeah, welcome to my ”tech blog“. If you like what you read or something has been helpful, consider subscribing. It's just a buck per month, but it will never be a requirement.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on: